PS4 Red Line Of Death: How Widespread Is It?

The PS4 red light of death is now bigger news than the actual console’s abilities and the lineup of games coming our way. So why is this red light attracting so much controversy and how widespread is it?

A quick look at the countless Amazon PS4 reviews show us that while there are occurences of it and even many documented sightings on YouTube, it isn’t as common as you would think. So then why the huge controversy? Simply because we don’t know what causes it.

Sony did issue a statement saying that the PS4 blinking red light meant that it was overheating but we’re seeing many instances on YouTube where the red line of death appears even when the PS4 is cold and just switched on. Just check out the videos below to see what we mean.

So while most PS4 users must be playing their games without having to take forceful breaks everytime the PS4 heats up, there is a small percentage of early adopters who are pursing the new machine with its compact design and inefficient ventilation.

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