Prince of Persia: An Empty Hype

Prince of Persia fans from all over the world got excited when it was hinted that there might be a new Prince of Persia game in the near future. While Ubisoft has never hinted it, a Reflection staff did hint that there will be more.

The employee tweeted an image containing all the Prince of Persia games we have seen so far and at the end of it, there was a blank space with a question mark in it. That seems to suggest that Ubisoft is working to fill up that space.

That happen earlier this year and since then, the only Prince of Persia news we have gotten was when Ubisoft decided to offer the game for free for a month on PC to celebrate their anniversary.

At this point, most of us believe that the tweet was just a hoax and that we will not be seeing a new Prince of Persia game this year but we are hoping that there will be one in the future. Protection Status