NBA 2K15 On iPhone & iPad Sucks ‘Balls’ (Review)

NBA 2K15 has just been released across all gaming platforms, including the Microsoft Xbox One and the Sony PS4. Unlike the previous NBA 2K14, the new version arrived with little bugs to speak off and players are delighted by it.

Those playing NBA 2K15 on the iPhone and iPad, on the other hand, are having a bad time with the game. Players are complaining on how NBA 2K15 for mobile is unrealistic and difficult to play on despite coming with splendid graphics that can rival the console.

For starters, NBA 2K15 comes with on-screen controls that rest at each bottom corners of the iPhones and the iPads. Using the on-screen controllers would mean sacrificing a bit of the screen for the player’s fingers. Furthermore, there appears to be some sort of lag when quick shifting the directional toggle.

Moving on, the second issue is the unrealistic gaming mechanism in NBA 2K15. Players were quick to realize that the player’s stamina on the user’s side tends to deplete at an extremely fast rate. Meanwhile, the opponent doesn’t look like tiring at all.

In addition to that, NBA 2K15 lacks some interesting game modes. After paying $8, all users get are Quick Game, MyCareer, Season and Locked Out. Despite being similar to the console versions, the game’s MyCareer is short on many functions and features.

Perhaps, some games are best made for the console, not for mobile. NBA 2K15 is one of them and we highly advise basketball fans to stay away from them.

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