MGS5 Phantom Pain: How Big Is Big?

It is no secret that Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain is nearing its release. Konami has been doing pretty good in terms of keeping the fans well informed about this highly anticipated title.

Today, fans will be learning something new about MGS5 Phantom Pain and it is with the game’s map size.

Kojima released another cat from his bag by confirming that the land mass in Phantom Pain will be the largest in the series. This is really surprising as the Metal Gear Solid series does not offer an open world to explore.

The cardboard box gameplay might be linear but it is huge in the sense that players can take the stealth approach to a whole new level. Kojima added that the coloured half of the game’s map is located in Afghanistan. There is still the other half which is not ready to be revealed.

On the other hand, fans felt that the mysterious white portion won’t be in Afghanistan. Instead, it will be located in other countries.

While that may seem likely, it is better to wait for more announcements from the game developer. The bottom line is that the map on MGS5 Phantom Pain will be gigantic

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