Mass Effect 4 Team Dodges Another Bullet

In every competition, there is always a winner and a loser. Today, more and more losers-only competition is being held on an annual basis. One of them is the Consumerist’s Worst Company in America.

For the past two years, game publisher, Electronic Arts, have been crowned champion of the losers. It was about to become a hat-trick for EA Games but they were knocked out of the competition after a fierce battle with Time Warner Cable.

The voting from consumers counted at 48.8% compared to the 51.2% for Time Warner Cable. It seems that complains for the latest Battlefield 4 game is not enough to pull off a victory in this leg of the contest.

For the past two years, EA has been guilty of killing Mass Effect 3’s ending. On top of that, there is also the controversial DRM issue with SimCity. Without these flaws, EA would have never gotten here.

With Mass Effect 4 currently in development, fans of the franchise are hoping for EA to bounce back from being categorized with the worst and deliver a great game ahead.

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