Mass Effect 4: Forgetting Shepard Entirely?

As how it has been revealed by Bioware, Mass Effect 4 is going to start on a brand new adventure surrounding a new protagonist. The main plot in Mass Effect 4 will still be taking place in the same Mass Effect universe but at a different time.

For the fans, we believe that the new storyline is going to be exciting but we are also expecting the plot to have big references to the events in the first Mass Effect Trilogy.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t look like happening at all. New rumours and tips from the insiders are suggesting that there will be zero references to the previous protagonist, Commander Shepard. This certainly sounds upsetting since we all love Shepard and are curious to see on how the universe will react to his name.

Of course, Bioware has a good reason to drop Shepard for good. To even not reference the fellow in Mass Effect 4 somehow suggest that the upcoming plot is going to be much more massive than the first trilogy.

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