Mass Effect 4 Can Be A Massive Help To Fallout 4

Mass Effect 4 is nearing its debut date and when it arrives, the game will be offering players a fresh new look into the Mass Effect universe. Even so, Mass Effect 4 will also be coming with tons of new features and gameplay improvements.

If there is a title that can take some inspiration from Mass Effect 4, it is Fallout 4. While the latter might not be confirmed yet, many gamers believe that it can be miles better than previous Fallout titles if it learns a thing or two from Mass Effect 4.

For starters, Mass Effect 4 offers players an interactive world that only few can rival. This is something Fallout 4 needs to improve on if they wish to offer a mesmerizing world for players to play in. Yes, Fallout 3 and New Vegas might offer a vast interactive world but the content density is quite poor.

On another note, Fallout 4 should start offering companions like how it is in Mass Effect 4. The companions from the Mass Effect franchise actually sticks to the player until the end of times whereas in the Fallout series, companions don’t actually go in-depth with the main character.

With a much improved companion experience, Fallout 4 can then allow intimate relationships to be build. It is not just Mass Effect 4 that is offering love in the game. Other RPG titles like Dragon Age and Fable too come with this personal element.

All in all, there is no doubt that Fallout 4 is going to be subliminal if it comes with the above features. Of course, we are not asking for Bethesda to copy and paste the gaming elements from rival franchise but instead, take inspirations from it. Protection Status