LG Nexus 5 Triumphs Over iPhone 5S, Galaxy S4, Moto X & HTC One Despite Sales

The Google Nexus 5 has one thing going for it that other phones don’t have; the low price tag. Along with this the specs often match or exceed those of other handsets, such as the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Apple iPhone 5S, the HTC One and Moto X.

Each new addition to the Nexus family brings with it something new by way of features. This means that competing handset makers have to keep on their toes to try and outdo the Nexus. When NFC first came to devices it was on a Nexus branded handset and each successor brings with it something new.

In the case of the Nexus 5 this was KitKat 4.4. It was the first handset to have the latest OS and it was lightweight. This meant the owners of the handset could enjoy performance that was faster and more responsive. With the Nexus 5 came some great specs, a good camera and processor and of course a low price tag, which couldn’t be matched by any other device.

Recently MobileBurn tested the Nexus 5 against the LG G2, Moto X, the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3, and the Nexus 5 came out very well.

While it is a popular choice of many looking for an Android phone, the design of it means that you will either hate it or love it.

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