Kingdom Hearts 3: Three Characters Done

We do not know how many character will the game Square Enix has this time around. We also have no idea how many new characters Square Enix will be adding into the game but what we know is that the voice acting part for three characters are now done.

Jim Cumming, the voice actor behind the character Winnie the Pooh announce that his part for the game is done. Besides voice actor for Winnie the Pooh, Cummings will also be voice acting for Winnie the Pooh’s best friend Tiger as well as Mickey’s rival Pete.

Before anybody could ask if he knew when the game would be ready, the voice actor added that he does not know when the game is going to be release. There have been speculations that the game might make it at the end of this year but from what we have seen right now, we are going to guess and say that the game will most likely arrive next year.

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