Is The iOS 7 Untethered Jailbreak By Evasi0n Upon Us?

iOS 7 device holders have been hanging around for an untethered jailbreak since it came out. There’s been loads of rumours about it, including some that say this’ll never happen. We’ve also seen fake jailbreaks that people have lost money on.

iOS 7 recently got bumped up to 7.0.2, so anyone waiting for the jailbreak lost all hope, despite devs promising a solution.

Evasi0n is working on a jailbreak, and one team member said it’d take a while, so users shouldn’t hold their collective breath. The team probably won’t release it either, as there are a few issues with it.

The Evasi0n team relies on the users of iDevices, and these owners have been waiting and waiting, ever since evasi0n started.

The team tweeted that if the iOS 7 jailbreak actually happens, the release date would have to be chosen with a lot of care. Some said that the devs might reveal it at the same time as the iPad 5.

IBMTimes predicted an October release for the iOS 7 jailbreak, especially as Apple would release the iPad Mini 2 in October, a year after the first. If the devs released the jailbreak at around the same time, it’d be a very powerful statement indeed.

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