iPhone Tips: Put An OS X Dock!

Rumours are rife in indicating that Apple is beginning to blend both the iOS and the OSX together. In other words, the desktop and mobile system is expected to unify in the coming years, like how it is for Microsoft and it Windows 10.

Even so, Apple iPhone jailbreak users can already get a feel on how the future Apple OS will be like thanks to a tweak that is now available on Cydia. Developed by Evan Swick, the tweak called Harbor introduces the OS X dock to the iPhones.

The feature basically holds every core shortcut like Safari, iTune and many more. In addition to that, the shortcuts are customizable so users can further modify it to meet their needs.

Of course, Harbor 1.0.0-13 is not available for free. Users with a jailbroken iPhone will have to fork out $2.99 for the tweak. The upside to this is that the tweak will make the iPhone extra special.

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