iPhone: Enjoy Both The Jailbreak & The New iOS 7.1 Top Features

The latest iOS 7.1 can be regarded as Apple’s Holy Grail. This is due to the fact the iOS 7.1 couldn’t be breached by jailbreak developers. Jailbreak users are surely in stress about it and it isn’t helping with the jailbreak developers keeping quiet about it.

In reality, things are not so bad as it seems. Jailbreak users running on the iOS 7 can still take things up a notch by giving their iPhones the features found in the latest iOS 7.1. This can be done with many Cydia tweaks available in the market. Here are 5 Cydia apps that will make your device run like the iOS 7.1.

1. Speed Intensifier
The app increases the speed of animation. You can make it faster like how it is on the iOS 7.1. On top of that, it is free of charge.

2. Winterboard Theme
This app changes the looks of the iOS 7 icons, to that on the iOS 7.1.

3. Automatic Flash Indicator
The iPhone’s camera flash will turn yellow whenever it is about to snap a picture. This is a feature on the iOS 7.1 and with the Automatic Flash Indicator; it can be enjoyed by jailbreakers.

4. Disable Parallax
Parallax settings can now be tweaked with this app. This particular feature was recently introduced in the iOS 7.1 and it is already available on Cydia.

5. F.lux
With this app, the white colour gets toned down. This will ensure that users won’t be blinded when operating the iPhone in dark places.

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