iPhone 5S Or 5C: Which Is Better In The Blender?

Popular Youtube series called ‘Will it Blend’ has added a new episode. The latest video features Blendtec going around purchasing the Apple iPhone 5c each varying in colours and an iPhone 5s.

As you all might have heard, Blendtec will put the product in a weird test if it can survive the blender. The colorful iPhone 5cs are placed inside one blender while the 5s found itself inside another separate blender. When ready, the test commenced.

Both blenders crushed its content in a matter of seconds morphing the great device into dust. Interestingly, the iPhone 5s turns into a gold dust while the ever colorful 5c turns to, a dull dark grey, dust.

Apple consumers who are still waiting for their phones must be really irate upon viewing this. Even for a joke it is painful to watch. The video is still up and available for your viewing on Youtube.

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