GTA 5: Want To Really Blow Shit Up? Try This!

If you are bored of playing GTA 5 by the books and feel like you want to try to do something crazy, you might want to do what a GTA 5 gamer who called himself SubParButInHD did. Line up 100 cars and watch them blow up.

You don’t necessarily had to steal all 100 cars, park them closely before you can blow them up. SubParButInHD didn’t steal the 100 cars he blew up either. He used a cheat code that will make cars appear in line like in the video. The he threw around some sticky bombs, blow one car and watch the chain reaction do its work.

This is pretty cool. Who said physics is boring? Check out the video below to see the chain reaction explosion. By the way, SubParButInHD, cool people don’t watch explosions. They walk away from them in slow-mo! Protection Status