As iOS 7 Jailbreak Remains Cracked Open, Row Of New Cydia Apps Appear

After many months owners of iOS 7 devices can now start to update as the jailbreak has finally made its way out.

The jailbreak of course comes with the Cydia app store and this means that it brings lots of jailbroken apps with it. The modders have been very busy tweaking their apps to make sure that they work on the iOS 7 jailbreak.

There are more than 50 apps that have been cracked and tested and here are five of the best of them.

The Battsaver by Xvolks was created for iOS 7 and this is one of the most important of the apps as it allows owners to get control over the battery on their handset. The Battsaver has been known to double the life of the iPhone battery and the app is clear and intuitive. This apps is a major update from the Battsaver that was seen for iOS 5 and 6.

Gestr from Mathew Huusko V allows the user to take creativity to a new level by drawing on the display of the handset to open up an app. This means that shortcuts are simple and there is no wonder that the app has become popular.

Callshare by JGTweaks saves you the trouble of having to minimize the call screen and open up the notes app when you are making in a call. Everything is located towards the side of the display waiting for you.

IconLock 7 from Old School Dev allows you to lock apps and make them off limits. It is among the best security app on the market and stops people from entering certain areas of the device.

SSL Patch from Ryan Petrich takes the hassle out of coming across websites that are secured by SSL, which you cannot open. The iPhone and iPad has become a victim of this and this patch will fix things.

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