Halo 5: A Leech On Your Wallet

Halo 5 is currently being developed by 343 Industries and the game is expected to make its debut later this year. The next sequel for the Halo series is going to come with many interesting and new features.

As great as Halo 5 sounds, it is unfortunate that the game is going to have support for microtransactions. In detail, 343 Industries has added an in-game currency called REQ and players can use real cash to purchase REQ points.

The points can be used to unlock new costumes pack in Arena and Warzone mode. Heck, the REQ points can also be utilized to unlock weapons, skins, armours and other goodies.

This is disappointing really since the players with money can dominate the game while the poor folks have to grind for cash. Then again, 343 Industries tried to cool the situation down by claiming that there will be an auto balancer to ensure that one player can’t rule the game through microtransactions.

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