Half Life 3 Release Date Wait Is Going To Require Iron Patience

It has been more than 10 years since Half Life 2 got released and fans have been demanding for a third sequel to the highly successful franchise. However, Valve ignored the fans’ request and continues to behave secretively whenever questioned about Half Life 3.

This is something the fans don’t understand. Why must Valve keep Half Life 3 a secret? An anonymous entity believed that he has cracked the code and realized that Half Life 3 won’t even come at all. The lad did some backtracking and discovered that the story has ended in Half Life 2: Episode 2.

Looking back at the series, the whole purpose of the Combine invading Earth was to acquire the teleportation technology to replace the Nihilanth. This has led Breen to rise to power before eventually teaming up with the Combine. Having done so, the enemy got a hold of the knowledge to the teleportation technology.

In Episode 2, Eli got captured and his brain extracted. As a result, Combine got hold of the teleportation technology and left Earth for dead.

The destruction eventually happened but some Earthlings managed to survive by living in cryogenic stasis deep below the ground. It was discovered by an AI and this soon turned into the epilogue for Portal.

With that being pointed out, the decade long wait has been for nothing. Anonymous claims were logical to begin with and there won’t be Half Life 3 at all. Instead, things resumed in Portal.

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