Half Life 3: Is This Leak For Real?

For more than a decade already, Half Life fans have been kept waiting for Half Life 3. Now, it looks like the wait is about to reach an end and this is evident if fans are to go on Steam.

The PC software that is developed by Valve had just been updated and it saw many new titles getting added. There, Half Life fans will notice that the App 323900 appears together with a Half Life 3 logo.

Obviously, this confirms that Half Life 3 is in developments and an announcement is bound to come soon. Otherwise, how can one explain where the Half Life 3 came from aside from Valve? Besides, both the Half Life series and Steam is owned by Valve and this makes the leak look more certain.

If our assessment is right, then Half Life fans can expect Half Life 3 to announce this year, possibly at E3. So mark your calendars Half Life fans as the long wait might finally come to end next week at E3.

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