GTA 5: Rockstar’s Funny Money Grab Affects Legit Earnings Too

It was over as quick as it started. Rockstar has stepped out of the dark and single-handedly restored GTA Online to its normal state. The hackers are all apprehended and the in-game economy is balanced again.

The 1.09 patch update was developed to make the game more secure and the recent 1.1 patch continued to do the same. It is also responsible for tracking and taking out the millions and billions of hacked GTA Dollars in player’s account.

Despite the justice done, a handful of players revealed that the update also took away their legal money. They are unhappy and took their case to the internet in a bid to gather support.

However, the GTA community corrected their ways. It appears that the 1.1 update will restore the balance amount that was before the player received a whole lot of cash. Any transactions and purchases done after that will be deducted accordingly.

Right now, GTA Online players are back to grinding for a living. As the game is stable once again, fans can only wait for the DLCs to arrive.

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