GTA 5 Patch 1.04 Showed Rockstar Means Business

A lot of GTA 5 fans aren’t happy with the recent 1.04 patch for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Rockstar sent out a list of details for the various changes, but missed quite a few out!

If you played Base Invaders as well as any other online missions, then installed 1.04 and re-played them, you’d suddenly find your financial reward cut!

Then, fans were annoyed when they found out that other missions offered less money than before the patch. They began to wonder if Heists would fall to the bottom of the list for money-making strategies.

Rockstar is not telling us what the release date for GTA 5 Heists is, but the players are asking if Rockstar is going to let them make some decent virtual money, or whether they’re being levered into using real-world money to buy fast cars with.

It looks like the company is acting more like a business, but is also patching content in no to player-friendly ways – not like it was before, anyway.

Where is Rockstar planning to take this game? Are you waiting for the heists to start? Tell us what you think.

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