GTA 5 Patch Opens Pandora’s Box Of Free DLC Cars For Free

Earning some money in GTA Online can be really tough and boring. At first, the GTA population was caught exploiting glitches. Then, there was the hackers giving away tons of hacked GTA Dollars. Rockstar has finally closed these major gaps after rolling out the 1.09 patch update.

The latest update took away the millions and billions of illegitimate money out of the players’ accounts. Now, the GTA population is forced to grind for their survival.

Despite the hardship, the GTA community has been united in looking for new glitches to exploit. After all, with every new update, there are bound to be a new glitch. That statement appears to be true. It didn’t take long for players to discover yet another glitch. While it might not be in the shape of cash, players can get hot new cars for free. The cars involved are the HotKnife, Carbon RS and the Khamelion.

A Youtube tutorial video went viral as it teaches players on how to make use of the glitch. To get a car for free, open up your in-game phone and utilize the browser. Head down to legendary online car shop and choose find cars.

Now, head back to the home website. Place the cursor on the address bar and key in B (circle) followed by A (X). Once done, manually change the address to the one on Legendary website. Delete the number sequence at the end of the address and replace it with one of the following:

28 for the Khameleon
29 for the Hotknife
30 for the CarbonRS

Load the address. Once done, return to the homepage and place the cursor on the search bar. Key in B followed by A. Also, you will have to delete everything that comes after the forward slash. (/) and key in “PurchaseCar”. Search for it. Leave the browser and check your garage. You will see the car there.

It might be confusing and tedious but once you get the hang of it, you can start making some dough through selling these vehicles.

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