GTA 5 Final Update: Is This The Zombie DLC We’ve Been Waiting For?

Hackers have never failed to come up with the wrong information on GTA 5 and this is why it is important to check out on their latest finding consistently. Yesterday, the hackers made it known that they discovered a file name ‘main_ZMB’ in GTA 5’s source code.

While it might sound like something unimportant or ordinary, the hackers implied that the ZMB basically means zombie. In other words, there is a future DLC in the works and it will feature zombies in the content.

If this is true, then Rockstar has certainly heard the fans when they request for a post-apocalyptic DLC. A zombie mode is nothing new for the game developer to offer as they have already introduced something similar for their other title, Red Dead Redemption.

Then again, this is based on an unproven finding and it is still best to take it with a pinch of salt regardless of how accurate the hackers can be. GTA 5 players will find out for sure when Rockstar launches the final 1.17 update in the coming months.

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