Google Nexus 5 Falls Behind iPhone 5S, Galaxy S4, Note 3 & HTC One In Sales Only

Google revealed its Nexus 5 recently, so how is this flagship handset comparing to its rivals?

The company usually releases Nexus devices to show off all the swanky new features it’s had up its sleeve. The Nexus One came out and made the competition look out of date, and its successors brought goodies like NFC with them. The Nexus 5 came out with KitKat 4.4, which gave it a definite advantage.

The Nexus 5 has brilliant specs, and amazing chip and camera, as well as an extremely fair price tag. Does it hit heavily enough against the iPhone, the Samsung Galaxy S4, the HTC One, the Note 3, the LG G2 and the Moto X?

Well, of course it does, but the Nexus 5 is a Marmite phone – you’ll either love it or you’ll hate it.

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