Final Fantasy Characters Is A Big No-No For Kingdom Hearts 3?

Kingdom Hearts 3 is currently being developed by Square Enix and like previous Kingdom Hearts title, the highly anticipated sequel is going to come with many similarities with the Final Fantasy series.

While that may look obvious to happen, the fans are hoping for Square Enix to introduce more new original features for Kingdom Hearts 3 instead of just sourcing and tweaking features taken from Final Fantasy.

The fans would hate it if Kingdom Hearts 3 ends up like an alternate dimension title for Final Fantasy XV. It seems that the only Final Fantasy-based content that can be accepted in Kingdom Hearts 3 is only with the characters from The Worlds End With You to return in the upcoming title.

In short, Kingdom Hearts 3 should have more of its own offerings instead of being a massive world for characters from other titles to participate in. Kingdom Hearts 3 should breed its own new characters more than just picking names from Final Fantasy

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