Fallout 4: Skyrim’s Poor Plot Might Transmit To Fallout Sequel

Fallout 4 is one of the most-anticipated gaming titles right now and since the Fallout franchise is closely developed to the Elder Scrolls franchise, fans worry for Fallout 4 might end up like Skyrim.

To understand this better, Fallout fans should check out Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim and compare it to Elder Scrolls 4, Oblivion. Apparently, Skyrim does not come with a plot that is rich and interesting. Instead, things are more lacklustre in Skryim even when the game comes with a huge map and more great features to offer.

Perhaps, the great plot in Oblivion might have pressured Bethesda to produce something equally interesting in Skyrim but that has failed to happen. This might just be the same case for Fallout 4.

The latter might get tons of new features to offer but it is expected to not come with a great plotline. Fallout 3’s storyline is far too great for Bethesda to come up with something better and this is what worries Fallout fans most.

Regardless, when Fallout 4 arrives, it will be welcomed by the fans with open arms. After all, it has been a long while since the Fallout series received a sequel and fans can’t wait for Fallout 4.

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