Fallout 4: Pipboy Swarmed PAX East, So Where Is FO4?

Gamers who follow the Fallout series have been waiting for four years to hear about Fallout 4 and Bethesda as usual have remained quiet about it. However they did go on to tease gamers at the PAX East event, when they revealed a Pipboy toy for sale.

This of course is the iconic character from the Fallout franchise and it sold well, even making its way onto eBay.

Fans have seen the toy as a way of regenerating hype for Fallout 4 and it is a positive sign, though fans are keeping their fingers crossed that they will not suffer the same disappointment as they have for Half Life 3.

If only Bethesda would be more open with fans about what they are doing, gamers would not have to suffer.

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