Fallout 4: Nothing Impressive To Show?

Fallout 4 might be a highly anticipated title that is pending for confirmation by Bethesda but when it arrives, the game will be the first in the entire Fallout franchise to debut on both the Xbox One and PS4.

Even so, it is unlikely for Fallout 4 to feature high-end graphics as the title is expected to run on Elder Scrolls Skyrim’s game engine. This is expected if Bethesda is to develop Fallout 4 like how they did with Fallout 3.

The latter was built on Elder Scrolls Oblivion’s game engine but the mechanism was tweaked to bring out the best graphics at that point of time. In the case of Fallout 4, it will only look decent at best as Skyrim’s game engine is not developed to optimize the latest gaming hardwares around. Perhaps, on the older Xbox 360 and PS3, Fallout 4 will look spectacular but not on the Xbox One and PS4.

Furthermore, the chances for Bethesda to produce a new game engine just for Fallout 4 seem unlikely to happen. After all, doing so will require lots of money and time to develop the new game engine. In addition to that, Bethesda tends to favour the Elder Scrolls franchise more than the Fallout series.

With that being said, it is wise to not have high expectations for Fallout 4. There is a strong certainty that the sequel will only have decent graphics at best.

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