Elder Scrolls 6 Won’t Be As Great As Dragon Age Inquisition?

Both the Elder Scrolls series from Bethesda and the Dragon Age series from Bioware are bitter rivals with each other. After experiencing a long and thoroughly exhilarating experience with Inquisition, we don’t think there is any way Bethesda can produce something great with Elder Scrolls 6.

This is because Dragon Age Inquisition comes with all the elements that made it interesting in every way. If gamers are to play the game, they will agree with us since Dragon Age Inquisition arouse everyone’s desires.

Think about it. Dragon Age Inquisition actually allows the players to become rulers. It provokes our lust for power. Speaking of lust, we can actually romance with the characters in the game and there is a sex scene to accompany it. Then there is the wartable which simply finances the players throughout the game.

These are all the desires from the players that are not available in the entire Elder Scrolls series. Bethesda seriously need to introduce their brand of RPG that offers power, romance and gold which can better the Dragon Age series if they wish for Elder Scrolls 6 to succeed.

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