Naughty Dog’s long-awaited highly-anticipated installment in the Uncharted franchise has finally been revealed and confirmed during Sony’s E3 press conference. The game is entitled “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End” and it looks like our beloved hero, Nathan Drake, is up for some challenges as the trailer shows him in an abandoned beach and unconscious. A few moments later, he regains his conscious and walks stumbling into a dark forest. This didn’t provide us with much info regarding the new game’s plot but a description of the game found by LoadTheGame gave us a few hints of what to expect to experience.
“Several years after his last adventure, retired fortune hunter, Nathan Drake, is forced back into the world of thieves. With the stakes much more personal, Drake embarks on a globe-trotting journey in pursuit of a historical conspiracy behind a fabled pirate treasure. His greatest adventure will test his physical limits, his resolve, and ultimately what he’s willing to sacrifice to save the ones he loves. ”
Naughty Dog also gave players something to look forward to as the game will run in 1080p and 60 fps. The developers also praised their upcoming Nathan Drake model by saying that as of “right now Drake’s Uncharted 4 model is over double the polygons of Joel from The Last of Us PS3.”
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will be a PS4 exclusive title and it is expected to release in 2015.