Ubisoft Montreal’s next installment in the Far Cry franchise, Far Cry 4, won’t let you play as a female character in its co-op mode. Although director Alex Hutchinson said in an interview with Polygon that the studio and its team were “inches away” from providing players with this experience.
“It’s really depressing because we almost… we were inches away from having you be able to select a girl or a guy as your co-op buddy when you invite someone in,” Hutchinson said”And it was purely a workload issue because we don’t have a female reading for the character, we don’t have all the animations,” he continued. “And so it was this weird issue where you could have a female model that walked and talked and jumped like a dude.”
Hutchinson added that his team also wanted to do it and he expects as technology advances and all of the planned games have an already planned developing timeline then it won’t be an issue to put in that additional female character.
“We had very strong voices on the team pushing for that and I really wanted to do it, we just couldn’t squeeze it in in time,” he said. “But on the other hand we managed to get more of the other story characters to be women.”
“We did our best. It’s frustrating for us as it is for everybody else, so it’s not a big switch that you can just pull and get it done.”
Far Cry 4 will introduce an all-new co-op mode that lets you free-roam with your friend across the game’s wide territory. The game also features the capability to ride an elephant and even fly in a gyrocopter.
Far Cry 4 releases on November 28 to Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC.