E3 2014: All Eyes On DOOM 4 & Not Fallout 4 Reveal

Fallout 4 is one of the most anticipated games around. The buzz for the fourth sequel has been very strong, in spite of the fact that nothing has been announced by Bethesda on the game.

Bethesda can remain quiet on Fallout 4 all they want but the Fallout community believes that E3 will be the event where the game developer finally spills the beans on the game.

Word has it that Bethesda will be announcing a game on E3 and it will be released before the end of this year. For it to be Fallout 4 is unlikely due to the short time span. The more logical title is Doom 4.

Fans of this popular RPG game are also anticipating a fourth sequel and they are expecting it to arrive this year. Doom 4 will be coming to all gaming platforms and it will be the first in the series to arrive on the next-gen consoles.

Of course, all of these will be clarified on E3 which will take place tomorrow in Los Angeles. The biggest annual gaming event is back and Bethesda will finally unseal its leaps. But which would it be? Fallout 4 or Doom 4? What do you think?

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