DOOM: Just Enough Before Things Get Sour

One of the issue with FPS games is that things will start to feel a little repetitive after the first few hours. Players might be impressed with the game at first and give them too much time and they will start bashing the game saying how boring it is and that they did not want to play to the end.

So how does an FPS game need to be in order to keep their fans engage the whole game without them feeling like they were shortchanged? Well, the developers of DOOM seems to think it is 13hours as they have now revealed that the game will last about 13 hours.

The estimated gameplay time is based on the people playing the game in the office which mean they might be more familiar with the game than us so expect it to be around 15 hours or so.

Of course, it will have to depend on how much they will be charging for the game as well. How much will you be willing to pay for a 13hour game?

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