Battlefield 4 Won’t Be Remembered Once Hardline Gets Released!

It is unfortunate to see Battlefield 4 being ranked with the biggest flop in the history of gaming. The FPS-title made its debut late last year and is the first from the franchise to feature on the Xbox One and PS4.

On the downside of things, Battlefield 4 was released with so many bugs which ticked the gamers off. The huge fan base is gutted to see a lacklustre Battlefield 4, even after so much hype built towards its release. Come next month, the fourth sequel will be discontinued once and for all.

Game developer, DICE, is looking to correct their mistakes with the upcoming Battlefield Hardline. This upcoming title will be nothing like its predecessors and instead, starts on a new FPS adventure.

In detail, DICE confirmed that Hardline is not even an army warfare simulation. The game developer made Hardline to offer a cops and robbers style of play. Heck, gamers can already get a good look at what Hardline has got to offer after DICE released its teaser trailer on YouTube.

There is a lot of effort poured in the development of Battlefield Hardline and DICE will not settling for anything below-par for the upcoming title. The franchise has always been second-best to the Call of Duty franchise and Hardline will be looking to turn the tables once and for all.

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