Battlefield 4 Early Retirement As Hardline Nears Debut

It was almost a year ago when DICE rolled out Battlefield 4 but up until today, the FPS game has been nothing more than a big let-down to its fans. This was due to the many bugs that plagued the game.

Now, it seems that DICE wish to correct their ways and make up for their mistakes by rolling out Battlefield Hardline. Unlike every other Battlefield games, Hardline isn’t going to involve any form of military warfare.

In detail, Hardline will be about the police force as it offers a cops & robbers-liked gameplay. Now, DICE has unveiled new trailers for Battlefield Hardline as they hope to bag the interest from the gaming community. Despite, DICE’s efforts, they are facing a tough time due to the failures of Battlefield 4.

Earlier today, DICE revealed that they will be ending support for Battlefield 4 the moment Hardline gets released. The game developer hopes to make a comeback on every front. The poor-performing Battlefield 4 has forced the franchise to fall far behind bitter rival, Call Of Duty!

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