Android 4.4 KitKat Schedule For Galaxy S3, Xperia, Note 3 & Moto X

The latest Android 4.4.2 KitKat OS has never been short of amazing. Following its release last year, phone manufacturers have been busy tweaking their past products to make it compatible with their devices.

Despite that fact, there seems to be so much drama involving the update as users don’t know if their device will get updated to the latest KitKat OS. Motorola Moto X users can relax as they will be the first Motorola users to get the device.

As for Sony, the Xperia Z, Z1, Z1 Compact, Z Ultra, ZL, Tablet Z, T2 Ultra, E1 and M2 will all get updated to the latest Android. The Japanese company revealed this on their blog and promised that the update will come within Q1 and Q2 this year.

Then, there is Samsung with its Galaxy line of phones. Aside from the Galaxy S4 and Note 3, there has been a lot of confusion for the Galaxy S3. Samsung Saudi Arabia clear the air by admitting that the Galaxy S3 KitKat update has been cancelled.

It may sound disappointing but consumers have to remember that this can be changed at any time. As such, it is best to wait for the change log and the full list to be released.

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