Activision Turns Attention Away From COD Ghosts With Black Ops 3 Speculations

Looking at the timing of the announcement, it is possible that the next COD instalment will be the third sequel to Black Ops. On the other hand, there is a possibility for it to be something else.

It seems that Sledgehammer Games is still working with Activision. Unless you’ve heard, it was the former that was responsible for the entire Modern Warfare series. With Sledgehammer on board, the next COD game may well just be Modern Warfare 4.

While it all sounds great, COD is on a gradual downfall. Ghosts was partly responsible for this as it failed to offer the next-gen experience. Then there is that repetitive gameplay which is getting more and more ridiculous with every new title. Fans do hope that Activision realized this and do something about it.

As for COD Ghosts, the story ended with a cliff-hanger, which hints on a possible sequel coming in the future as well.

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