Google CEO: Steve Jobs’ Differences With Android For Show Only

While the deep seeded hatred Steve Jobs had for Android was not something he kept under his breath, according to a recent interview this hatred may have just been for show. Google CEO Larry Page explained this in an interview with Bloomberg  Business Week recently:

“I think the Android differences were actually for show. I had a relationship with Steve. I wouldn’t say I spent a lot of time with him over the years, but I saw him periodically. Curiously enough, actually, he requested that meeting. He sent me an e-mail and said: “Hey, you want to get together and chat?” I said, “Sure, I’ll come over.” And we had a very nice talk. We always did when we had a discussion generally.”

“He was quite sick. I took it as an honor that he wanted to spend some time with me. I figured he wanted to spend time with his family at that point. He had a lot of interesting insights about how to run a company and that was pretty much what we discussed.”

We will have to give it to Steve Jobs, he was indeed the top marketing genius of our time.

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