NASCAR’s VP Of competition has announced a looser and more fun NASCAR this season. In addition to replacing the rear wing with a more stylish rear spoiler (which increases downforce), NASCAR officials state they will leave the extent of bumping and scraping up to the driver’s prerogatives from now on.
“We will put it back in the hands of drivers, and we will say ‘Boys, have at it and have a good time.” In addition, NASCAR drivers will be allowed to display their ‘colourful’ expressions and gestures to a larger degree now, without having to worry about a large fine being slapped on them. Of course all this would have to be “within reason”. What that means in the Southern and Midwest states remains unclear.
Has NASCAR gone nuts? We will let this statement from the series’ VP of competition answer: “[drivers won’t have to be] robotic sponsor shills too frightened to make waves”.
There is no doubt the fans will enjoy this, but we can’t say the same for the sponsors.