Pokemon Z: What’s In Store?

Everybody should be able to do their alphabets right? After X and Y, there is Z. This context applies to the current 6th generation Pokemon games.

Both Pokemon X & Y has long been released and fans are already anticipating a Pokemon Z. In spite of that, nothing official has been announced by Nintendo itself.

It appears that the game developer’s decision to select X & Y as the title is enough to convince the fans that a Pokemon Z version will be coming as well. On top of that, it has been quite some time since a third version got introduced into a Pokemon game.

As such, the fans have been rather loud in discussing what they want to see coming in this upcoming version of the game. We have reviewed them and compiled them and they are as follow:

1. The players should be able to rename traded Pokemon. This is due to some Pokemon having Japanese characters on the name which is a turn-off to the rest of the world.
2. Move Tutors should be made available again.
3. The racing track on Route 22 should be a place for Ryhorn racing.
4. Mega Evolution should involve Thyplosion. Also, more Mega Evolution please.
5. Lysandre to return.
6. More new forms for Zygarde.
7. More personalization of the protagonist like adding shades and such.
8. The ability to change the soundtrack in the game.
9. A much darker storyline.

These are the most-wanted features at the moment and Nintendo should at least consider them for Pokemon Z. Until an official announcement is made about the game, fans can only wait and hope for their wishlist to come true.

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