Pokemon X & Y: New AZ Floette Prematurely Leaked

The latest Pokemon X & Y has been nothing short of awesome. Even off the game, the Pokemon community has been rather active in discussing about the game. It gets even better for the fans when a new leak surfaces as most of them has been pretty accurate.

It wasn’t that long ago when we saw the leak that hinted on Diancie, Volcanion and Hoopa which came true in every way. Now, another leak has surfaced claiming that another Pokemon is set to debut in the game.

This upcoming creature, known as AZ Floette, was discovered by a number of players who saw the gameplay which features this Pokemon in a battle. Of course, this new Floette is a shiny and have a new ability which is The Light of Ruin.

In detail, AZ Floette is a fairy-typed Pokemon and it won’t be able to evolve at all. The Pokemon has quite an impressive base stats. They are as follows:

Power: 95
Accuracy: 100
HP: 141
Attack: 87
Defense: 75

Of course, this leak is still unproven and the Pokemon community will have to wait until Nintendo announces more on the matter. On the other hand, leaks have a great tracking record with Pokemon X & Y so perhaps it is alright to take this with a bowl of salt instead of a pinch.

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