Pokemon X & Y has long been released now and the huge fan base is expecting a third title coming to Gen 6. Like all the previous Pokemon release, every 2 games that arrives will have a third variant coming as well.
The fans might be busy buzzing about what is believed to be Pokemon Z. On the other hand, DualPixels goes way beyond Pokemon Z giving us a hint on the next gen Pokemon games dubbed as Pokemon Plus & Minus.
The layout of the next gen game has been leaked revealing the Gen 7 Pokemon game to offer a whole new gameplay. It will be themed, “Old Tradition VS New Exploration”. It will be set in a new region and that is South East Asia, consisting of a peninsular and many small islands.
The leak also touches on the three starters Pokemon. While no specific names are given, one is a Water Type which will evolve to Water/ Steel, the other is Fire which will lead to Fire/Fairy and finally a Grass type which will evolve to Grass/Electric.
It all sounds exciting. There is so much information being given out even though development barely started. This is something really new and it is best to take it with a pinch of salt. Just like every other information about games, everything can change rapidly.