Pokemon X & Y Weren’t Perfect, How Z Can Improve…

Pokemon X & Y has long been released now and base on the franchise’s release pattern, it is very obvious that a third title is coming very soon. We’ve seen it with Pokemon Yellow and Crystal. In a matter of time, Pokemon Z looks set to join the party.

Pokemon X & Y has been a major success. It features plenty of improvements, additions and lots of mini games for players to enjoy. However, no game is perfect and this applies for both Pokemon X & Y. With Pokemon Z in the makings, on which platforms can this much anticipated title improves on.

Most fans agree that time and time again, there is not much to do in post-game. In reference to previous releases, the third title of a generation often gets the best ending storyline in the game.
At the moment, both Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 feature the best ending to date.

Apart from that, fans are united in calling for the return of a private move tutor. It might not be much but the character has been part of the game for so long and deserves to stay for much longer to come. Besides, the private move tutor do come in handy for some of the players.

Pokemon Z will be the mirror of both Pokemon X & Y. The upcoming game will also throw in a fresh storyline and will definitely be an improved title compared to its predeccessors.

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