Kingdom Hearts 3 Hidden Message Discovered

Kingdom Hearts 3 is said to be one of the most wanted games and it will be arriving on every platform when it comes out. The game is the third sequel in the series of Kingdom Hearts and this is where the game series is going to end. Production of the game is underway but there is still some time before gamers can expect to see its arrival.

There has been a lot of hype going around about Kingdom Hearts 3 and recently coding was leaked that revealed an Easter Egg. It seems that coding was arranged in a pattern and it shapes up as the official logo of Kingdom Hearts 3. You can head here to check it out.

The web coders of Square Enix have been having fun it seems by designing coding that looks like the logo. The coding could have been put there to remind gamers that Kingdom Hearts 3 is a superb franchise. On the other hand it could mean that the coders didn’t have much to do and wanted to keep themselves busy.

Whatever reason for the coding it has got gamers very excited? It couldn’t have been an easy task to have replicated the logo of Kingdom Hearts 3 using code, but they have done it. Let’s hope that when Kingdom Hearts 3 is finally released it will be as every bit as perfect as the coding for the logo.

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