Rockstar Forgets Its Own GTA 5 Character Names

Rockstar is a huge company with many success stories. Their greatest is with the GTA franchise. The series of games that influences violence and immoral activities are often a chart topper and a best-seller.

Apart from the evil aspects of it, there are some great things worth noting when it comes to GTA games. It never fails to offer gamers that cinematic, dynamic and engaging storyline. Players feel like they are in a Hollywood film. That is the kind of quality GTA provides.

The GTA franchise spreads from the game itself all the way to merchandises and even the fans can’t get enough of it. Like every other filmmakers, there are always bloopers. Rockstar is not short of that especially with the latest GTA 5 plushies.

These dolls which got tailored to replicate the characters were promoted on Rockstar’s Tweeter. Reddit was able to spot the game developer getting the character’s name wrong. The fourth plushy is actually Ron, not Wade. However, Rockstar can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the fans are not mad but instead, find it funny.

All in all, it was some good laugh from a silly mistake. Rockstar immediately sent out another Tweet to correct its error and there actually is a Wade plushy.

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