GTA 5 1.12 Update Beckoned As No Signs Of Zombies

Game developer Rockstar, certainly has a soft spot for its latest GTA 5. To be specific, the love is only for the Single Player mode in the game.

This is pretty obvious with all the DLCs being added into the SP mode when in reality, most players are very active in the multiplayer mode, GTA Online. This can be proven further with the many unique features in GTA 5 that has failed to make it into GTA Online.

One particular feature is the heist missions. The fans are beginning to lose their voice as they have been consistently loud in calling the game developer to release a heist DLC for GTA Online. After so much effort from the fans, Rockstar finally give in and promised the fans that heist missions will be added into GTA Online.

Other DLCs lined up for the multiplayer mode includes the Dangerous Business Pack, Online Heists, an expansion to the Contents Creator and many more. Looking at Rockstar’s announcement, one DLC failed to make it to the list despite being wanted by the GTA community.

The fans has been requesting for an apocalypse DLC which involves zombies. The DLC will create a random event in GTA Online where Los Santos gets overrun by the undead. Players have to work together as they try to survive waves after waves of zombie attacks. Other DLCs suggested are Cruise Heist, Casino Heist and even Prison Break.

There is no doubt that GTA 5 is the best gaming platform to re-enact the player’s favourite film. It is unsure if Rockstar is aware of it but if they do, the game developer will certainly capitalize on it. Protection Status