BMW “Self-Driving” M235i Allows Drivers To Drink & Drive?

It was hours ago when a video of the self-driving M235i went viral on YouTube as it gets the ability to drift without any control from a driver. This was accomplished when BMW attempted to teach the M235i on how to manoeuvre on its own when in and unpredictable moment on the road.

The automated drifting skill is certainly a major achievement as the M235i showcased on how self-driving cars can escape a tragedy while still maintaining control of their vehicle.

Of course, this wouldn’t be pleasing the car enthusiasts as it is still not as thrilling as drifting based on individual skills. Regardless, the car junkies saw some positives with self-driving cars.

Upon viewing the M235i drifting with BMW’s AciveAssist system, the passionate drivers feel that self-driving cars can finally allow them to drink and drive. The idea came out in reference to the popular caption “Watch this! Hold My Beer.”

So with the self-driving drift M235i, drivers don’t have to show off by getting someone to hold their cup of beer. After all, they can simply sit quietly in the car while gulping on the alcoholic beverage. Talk about showing off, the future is going to be full of them.

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