BMW M235i: Self-Driving With Drifting Capabilities!

Over the last couple of months, many carmakers showed interest in producing self-driven vehicles for the future and for some, development has already progressed.

Today, we are going to focus on the BMW M235i which is not only being developed to drive on its own but also drift by itself. This was accomplished when BMW tried to teach the M235i to independently get out of a random unpredictable moment and it saw the car coming with drifting skills.

Out of interest, BMW has placed the M235i in a test against 2011 Formula Drift champion, Daijiro Yoshihara. The former is driven by the ActiveAssist software while the latter relies on his human skills.

Then again, it is actually a mismatch since Daijiro had to drift on a dry surface while the automated M235i gets the luxury of a damp surface. Obviously, this is another PR stunt being set-up but it does prove how the self-driving M235i can escape a skid on a wet road surface.

Car junkies can already check out the clip of the drift challenge above. There, you will witness how the self-driving M235i faired against the manually driven version of the same car.

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