2016 Ford Taurus: Same Design Language, Bigger Structure

The future Ford Taurus is still in its development and it will be making its debut next year. Even so, car junkies don’t have to wait until then to catch a glimpse of the Taurus as they are able to do so now.

Apparently, one lad spotted the future Taurus parked at a nearby lot and snapped a picture of it. Unfortunately, the image is taken at an angle where we can only see the tail and right section of the vehicle.

While not much can be discussed on this, it seems that the Taurus is going to come with the same design language with the Ford Fusion and the Ford Focus Sedan. This is evident as the rear portion of the Taurus looks like the enlarged version of the other two sedans from Ford.

Upon closer observation, we also noticed a long line running from the right front bumpers all the way to the rear bumpers.

Well, without the front portion, we are unsure on how the Taurus will actually look different from the other Ford sedans. Regardless, we can look forward to more spills happening prior to the Ford Taurus’ debut early next year.

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