Verizon Nexus 5, Samsung Nexus 10 2 & Nexus G-Watch All Rumored For This Year

There is no doubt that the Nexus brand name has many fans and followers, but what do they want to see released from Google this year?

Some have said that the Nexus brand name does need improving when it comes to the design. Fans would like to see Google release a new phone every year, at least one, perhaps two. At the same time fans would like Google to launch two tablets with the Nexus brand name each year.

Many followers of tech do say that they can recognise the Google brand name as it does stand out and they know that the software is all Google too.

Along with this people know and recognise tablets from Google along with Google Glass and Watch.

While many people like KitKat 4.4 launcher they have also said that they would like to see some widgets that are useful. Some people asked for widgets such as those offered in TouchWiz and Sense. Stock Android is liked but fans would also like to see Google include some features, which are typically seen in OEM skinned software. Protection Status