Verizon Nexus 5, Google G-Watch & Nexus 10 2 Expected In 2014

Nexus fans love the brand name, but what do they want to see from Google this year?

Fans have been talking about how they would like to see some improvements to the design of Nexus devices. Along with this, it was said that Google should launch at least one phone per year along with two tablets with the Nexus branding.

Most fans agree that Nexus devices do stand out as belonging to Google and software is of course all Google’s.

Many fans recognise that along with tablets Google also introduced the Watch and Glass.

Many Nexus fans have said that they like the KitKat 4.4 launcher but that they would like to see useful widgets included. They have said that widgets along the lines of what TouchWiz and Sense offers would be good. While they do like stock Android, it seems that they would also like some of the features that are included in the OEM skinned software. Protection Status